1. 本中心儀器需經考核均可開放自行操作。
Operation can be carried out by the individual making the reservation or by qualified personnel.
2. 本系統每週開放服務 7 天。
This system is open every day.
3. 本系統服務以 4 小時為 1 單元 ,總計每週開放服務 20 單元。
Four time slots (four hours each) are available per day.
4. 每人每週最多預約 3 個單元。
A maximum of 3 orders per person per week.
5. 優先預約時段至使用前 3 天。
Priority appointment period until 3 days before use.
6. 取消預約須於 1 天前告知,違者停止使用資格 1 個月。
Reservation Cancellation must be made at least one days in advance. Those failing to do so will not be eligible to make reservations for one month.
7. 一年內累積爽約 3 次,停止使用資格 6 個月。
Those who fail to show up for their reservations three times in one year will be deemed ineligible for reservations for six months.
1.會員制度membership policy
1-1 本設備適用奈米科技中心之會員制度This equipment is applicable to the membership system of Nano Technology Center
1-2 會員制度適用於 台灣聯合大學系統專任教師The membership system is applicable to full-time teachers of Taiwan United University
1-3 欲申請會員資格者請自行下載『多功能光譜量測系統會員使用申請表暨經費轉帳核准單 』If you want to apply for membership, please download “Multi-function Spectrum Measurement System Member Application Form and Fund Transfer Approval Form”
2 . 自行操作訓練之申請方法Application method for self-operated training
2-1 不管是否加入會員,每一實驗室申請自行操作本機台之人數上限為 2人。Regardless of whether or not to join the membership, the maximum number of individuals who can apply for self-operation on this machine in each laboratory is two.
2-2 會員完成繳費程序後自行與儀器聯絡人接洽訓練事宜,唯『多功能光譜量測系統會員使用申請表暨經費轉帳核准單』中所填寫研究生務必一同出席訓練課程。After the member completes the payment procedure, he/she contacts the instrument liaison person for training. Only the graduate students filled in the “multi-purpose spectral measurement system membership application form and funds transfer approval form” must attend the training course.
2-3 一般申請人需自行下載『多功能光譜量測系統一般使用者儀器使用、訓練、委託操作申請表暨經費轉帳核准單』,完成申請程序後自行與儀器聯絡人接洽訓練事宜。General applicants are required to download the “Uniform Spectrum Measurement System General User Equipment Use, Training, Commissioning Operation Application Form and Fund Transfer Verification Form” on their own. After completing the application process, they will contact the instrument liaison personnel for training.
2-4 累積訓練時數達3次 以上者方可向儀器聯絡人申請考核。Those who have accumulated more than 3 training hours can apply to the instrument contact person for assessment.
2-5 考核通過者須於一週內自行下載『服務問卷表』,於填妥並回傳後始可完成認證手續,以取得於開放時段、夜間及非上班時間之自行操作資格。Appraisers must download the “Service Questionnaire” on their own within a week. After completing and returning, they can complete the certification procedures to obtain their own qualifications for opening, night and non-working hours.
2-6 考核通過者若連續 6 個月無自行操作紀錄,請先洽詢儀器聯絡人再視情況開放自行操作。If the appraisers pass the record of self-operation for 6 consecutive months, please contact the contact person of the instrument and open it up again as the case may be.
3.預約自行操作之方法 Appointment for self-operation
3-1 以電話或 E-mail 與 儀器聯絡人 洽詢空白時段直接安排,會員直接上網預約。Contact with the instrument contact person by phone or E-mail to arrange for a blank time and direct members to make an appointment online.
3-2 此項儀器開放通過考核者於上班及非上班時段自行操作,凡使用者應自行詳細確實的填寫儀器使用紀錄簿,並註明所發生的任何異常狀況,違者停止使用資格 3 個月。This instrument is open to self-administration by the examiner during work hours and non-work hours. All users should fill out the instrument usage record book in detail and indicate any abnormal conditions. The offender shall stop using the qualification for 3 months.
3-3 若因個人操作不當造成儀器損壞,本中心可視情況要求操作者所屬實驗室主管做合理的賠償,唯匿情不報者除要求賠償外,並撤銷其單位往後的使用資格。If the instrument is damaged due to improper operation of the individual, the Center may require the operator’s laboratory supervisor to make reasonable compensation. Only those who do not report it shall seek compensation, and shall revoke their use of the unit.
4. 申請委託服務之方法How to apply for commission service
4-1 若因個人操作不當造成儀器損壞,本中心可視情況要求操作者所屬實驗室主管做合理的賠償,唯匿情不報者除要求賠償外,並撤銷其單位往後的使用資格。If the instrument is damaged due to improper operation of the individual, the Center may require the operator’s laboratory supervisor to make reasonable compensation. Only those who do not report it shall seek compensation, and shall revoke their use of the unit.
4-2 申請人於預約時段前3 天 將試片送交儀器聯絡人。The applicant sent the test piece to the instrument contactor 3 days before the scheduled time
4-3 儀器聯絡人得視需要可要求申請人在現場共同進行實驗。The instrument liaisons may request the applicant to conduct experiments together in the field as needed.