1. 本系統自行操作以指導教授、計畫主持人或公司行號為單位,每位申請者須同時提出其研究使用計畫及材料特性予本中心,由本中心評估並決定是否可接受其申請。
The applicants who want to operate by themselves need to submit the details of their experiment and sample material for application of membership and the training program. The account of membership is registered under your supervisor, PI, or company name.
2. 申請者上網下載並填寫『FTIR實驗申請單』詳填使用者與試片資訊後,e-mail至lcli@faculty.nctu.edu.tw,本中心將儘速回覆您的使用申請。申請核可後,管理員會以E-mail將『見習訓練紀錄表』寄予申請人,在申請人見習時數完成後,可email與管理員洽詢上機訓練時段。
Applicants should download the “FTIR application form” online and email the completed form, including details about the user and lamella, to lcli@faculty.nctu.edu.tw. We will respond to your application as soon as possible. Once the application is approved, the administrator will email a log sheet for the probationary training to the applicant. Upon completion of probationary training, the applicant can contact the administrator for the booking of hands-on training.
3. 自行操作分為部份自行操作者與全程自行操作者。部份自行操作者僅可操作量測儀器端之系統,並不包括整體儀器環境操作。而全程自行操作者則為已受過適當操作訓練之使用者,由本中心評估並決定是否接受訓練申請。
There are two kind of independent operation licenses: partially and fully operating users. For partially operating users, they are only allowed to operate the measuring system. Controlling the cryogenic chamber and adjusting optical system are forbidden. Those applying the fully operating user license need to be go through properly hands-on training after they have the partially operating user license.The rights of permission for fully operating user training is reserved.
4. 本機台訓練時數其規定如下:部份自行操作新訓人員累積訓練時數達 10hr以上者方可向儀器負責人申請考核。全程自行操作新訓人員需會累積測量訓練時數達 10hr以上及所有儀器操作時數達20hr以上者,方可向儀器負責人申請考核。
The regulations of training program are: For the partially operating license, the user has to accumulate 10 hours of hands-on training before applying for qualification. Once the user accumulates over 10 hours of partially independent operation, he may apply for the hands-on fully operating training. After accumulating over 20 hours of hands-on fully operating training, he may apply for fully operating evaluation.
5. 訓練時數達到上述之時數後,可向管理員申請考核。考核通過後,可於週一至週五8:00~17:00自行操作。全程自行操作累積使用時數達30小時以上,並未有任何違反機台規定與任何損及行為者,可申請全開放時段之使用權限。
Those who have accumulated the above-mentioned hours of training can approach the administrator for the evaluation application. Once the users pass the evaluation, they can operate the instrument independently from Monday to Friday between 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM. Those accumulating 30 hours of independent operation without violating any regulation or causing any damage may apply for unrestricted access permission.
6. 合格使用者皆有訓練新訓人員之義務。
All qualified users are obligated to train new personnel.
7. 各實驗室可自行訓練新訓人員。
Training of new personnel can be conducted voluntarily by members of each lab.
8.考核通過者若連續 6 個月無操作紀錄,取消其自行操作資格。日後若需自行操作,需另行申請、訓練、考核。
Qualified users without any record of operation for 6 months will be disqualified from independent operation. They will be required to repeat the process of application, training, and evaluation again, should they need to operate independently.
9. 本中心將於實驗完畢後依據使用時間斟酌自儲值費用中扣取實驗費用。
The charge for the operation will be deducted from the pre-paid account of your membership upon completion of experiment.