三五族化合物半導體元件之電感耦合電漿蝕刻機 ICP RIE

聯絡方式 Contact

儀器管理者 Instrument administrator

王圣瑩小姐Miss Sheng Ying Wang   TEL: 03-5712121 ext 55640

EMAIL: sy1028@nycu.edu.tw

對外開放服務時間 Opening hours

週一~週日 上午8:00~下午5:00 開放白天權限使用者。 下午5:00過後只開放有夜間權限使用者。
Monday~Sunday: 8:00am to 5:00pm for users with day-time license. Only users with night license is available after 5:00pm.

儀器放置位置 (Position) : R223

使用功能說明 Applications

1. 將進行微影製程前所沈積的薄膜,把沒有被光阻覆蓋及保護的部分,以乾蝕刻方式加以去除,以完成轉移光罩圖案到薄膜上面。

規格 Specifications

收費標準 Fee

1.委託操作費用 (Commissioning fee )
學術單位 (Academic institute) NT$2000 / hr
業界 ( Corporation) NT$4000/ hr

2.自行操作會員收費 (independent-operation fee)
學術單位 (Academic institute) NT$1000/ hr

業界 ( Corporation)不開放

3.自行操作訓練 (Training fee)
學術單位 (Academic institute) NT$2000 / hr

業界 ( Corporation)不開放

管理及服務辦法 User regulations

1.申請前須知(Notice before any application)
The system is classified as a Grade B instrument with two available ways for having process on this system.
(a) People with qualified license are allowed
(b) Process can be done by the help of the administrator through commissioned application.
Option (a) is only available for people in the organizations belong to the membership of the center. And the organization has to deposit certain amount of money for each system for the cost of every independent operation.

Those applying for commissioned operation should discuss and evaluate the experiment with the instrument administrator in advance, ensuring that the sample and fabrication process are suited for the instrument. The application can be filed after the cost is estimated by the administrator and approved by either the advisor or the supervisor.』

3.預約與自行操作須知 (Booking and Independent Operation)
Please go to the booking system online to select slots.
3-2此項儀器開放通過考核者於上班及非上班時段自行操作,凡使用者應自行詳細確實的填寫儀器使用紀錄簿,並註明所發生的任何異常狀況,違者停止使用資格 3 個月。
Every user has to record the process that have been done and any abnormal situations happened during the process on the user-record book. The eligibility of using the machine will be banned for three months if any user does not follow the rule.
If the system is broken due to personal improper operation, CNT would require the reasonable compensation from the laboratory to which the user is belonged. In addition, if the user is found to hide the fact of his/her improper operation, all the people from same laboratory will no longer have the right to use the machine.
4.申請委託服務之方法 (Application for commissioned application)
4-1自行下載『 ICP/RIE 一般使用者儀器使用、訓練、委託操作申請表暨經費轉帳核准單 』,完成申請程序後自行與儀器聯絡人接洽委託操作事宜。
Please go to the website and download the “ICP RIE application form” online and email the completed form, including details about the user and lamella, to lcli@faculty.nctu.edu.tw. We will respond to your application and the required fee as soon as possible.
4-2申請人於預約時段前 1 天 將試片送交儀器聯絡人,申請人委託前請與儀器聯絡人洽談細節,每星期送件上限4小時。
Applicants need to give samples one day before the experimental date. Please check the detail with the administrator to avoid any misunderstandings.
Applicants may be required to come with the administrator for the experiment depending on the content of application requirement.

自行操作訓練與考核辦法 Guideline for independent operation and evaluation

自行操作訓練之申請方法(Application for independent operation)
1.初次加入會員之單位之申請者,請下載『 ICP/RIE 一般使用者儀器使用、訓練、委託操作申請表暨經費轉帳核准單』,完成申請程序並且儲值金額後,請去奈米中心網站下載「非奈中使用儀器申請表」,完成相關填寫以及跑完規定流程後,自行或與儀器聯絡人接洽訓練事宜。請事先確認是否有上過相關奈中規定之工安及半導體實驗課程,取得奈米中心進入無塵室資格後,始可接受訓練。
(a) If you are the user that your laboratory is not a membership of CNT yet or your laboratory do not have any money deposited for ICPRIE, please go to the website and download the “ICP RIE application form” online and email the completed form, including details about the user and lamella, to lcli@faculty.nctu.edu.tw. We will respond to your application as soon as possible.
(b) Once the application gets approved or your laboratory is already the membership of CNT and has deposited money for ICPRIE, please go to the website of NFC and download the “ User’s form B (非奈中儀器使用儀器申請表)”. And please fill the necessary materials and finish required administrative flows before getting training.
(c) Students who finish (a) and (b) can start to receive the training from either users who have been qualified or the administrator.
Notice: Applicants need to take safety course and semiconductor courses to reach the requirements for entering NFC cleanroom before any applications (please check on NFC website for detail).
2.考核通過者若連續 3個月無自行操作紀錄,請先洽詢儀器聯絡人再視情況開放自行操作。
If the user with license has not been using the machine for 3 months, administrator has the right to cancel his/her license.

樣品規範 Sample specifications

1.SiNx、GaAs、InP 材料之深度蝕刻 (小於四吋面積試片)
The etching of SiNx, GaAs, InP. ( the sample size has to be below 4inch)

2.本系統提供 SiN 、 GaAs 、 InP 三種材料破片(最大為2cmx2cm)之蝕刻,而保護層材料 (mask) 限用 P/R 、 PMMA 、 SiN 三種,嚴禁以金屬當保護 層,或 表面有金屬暴露者亦不准放入,違者停權 6 個月,再犯者永久停權。
The system is opened for SiN, GaAs, and InP etching process with broken pieces available (max. size 2×2 cm).
The mask materials are allowed using P/R, PMMA, and SiNx.
Metal Masks and any samples with metal exposure are strictly prohibited. Anyone in violation for the first time will not be eligible to use the machine for 6 months, and the license will be canceled if one do not follow the rule again.

Independently operation of the machine is only allowed after the qualification

4.預約後欲取消須於 24 小時之前告知。
Please inform the administrator to cancel the reservation 24hrs before your slot.

5.一年內累積爽約 3 次,停止預約資格六個月。
For the usage right for every user, if one do not cancel the booking and occupy the slot for 3 times in one year, the eligibility of reservation will be banned for 6 months.
